Wednesday 7 March 2007

Time will tell

Although i'm in bed ill with flu, i think it's perhaps a good thing. Recently i've been working super hard on my degree and been having fun but i'm not sure if i've been having enough 'me-time' Things have crossed my mind, which haven't before.

Suppose i don't make friends there, or feel alienated?
What will i do without him? i miss him after a few days of not seeing him, yet after a year together, it's got to that stage where i shouldnt have to spend as much time with him as i seem to. Well i saw him briefly on monday, but apart from that and the fact we spent the whole of the weekend togther, he's going away this weekend and so i won't see him 'til Monday at the earliest. it all seems too long... how will i cope will several months at a time?!

Norfolk was romantic this weekend, with the lunar eclipse and all. it reminds me how much i miss my pagan ways. i never seem to practise these things any more. i don't know why. actually, i do. Time. Life has been a struggle recently in that area of things. This is why:

Uni work has become quite hard. i did get good results this Jan, except for portuguese which i failed, but this term has so much work. i've done a fair bit so far but there is still essays to do, over the Easter Break.

Film making takes up so much time! CYM is nearly finished being edited. it needs polishing and the credits doing, then we need to put the sound & music in, but we are so close. Yet still so far.

I'm going to life drawing which is a real refuge for me, i lose myself in the curves of those beauiful bodies. And recently i've been playing Magic and going to LARP - my social life is becoming hectic. plus all that time i spend with him - not that i dont like spending time with him, it's just it's time.

life is so difficult sometimes!